How to Build and Compile wine-staging 2.22 on Ubuntu 16.04

Want to use wine-staging, but need a more recent version than what the official repositories provide?  Building and compiling wine-staging 2.22 isn’t as hard as it looks.

I needed to build and compile wine-staging 2.22, but it wasn’t easy to piece together how to do it from various forums and documentation.  Hopefully this tutorial saves someone a headache!

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I’m excited to start 2018 with a reset of my personal site and blog on the WordPress platform!

My goal here is to share some (hopefully) interesting and/or useful thoughts on on a variety of topics I’m interested in:

  • Digital data (analytics, big data, ad tech)
  • Linux
  • Gaming (especially on Linux)
  • Tabletop and board games

Stay tuned…