Sort Movies and Shows in Tautulli Newsletters with a Custom Template

Sorting Tautulli Newsletter Items with a Custom Template

If you’ve been running a Plex server for more than a couple weeks, odds are you’re also using Tautulli for server monitoring and notifications.  With the recent release of Tautulli’s email newsletters feature, it’s never been easier to send your users a beautifully formatted email each week with all the exciting new content that’s been added.  That said, the default options for customizing newsletters in the Tautulli UI are pretty limited, but never fear- we can fix that with a custom newsletter template and some simple Python code!
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How to Build and Compile wine-staging 2.22 on Ubuntu 16.04

Want to use wine-staging, but need a more recent version than what the official repositories provide?  Building and compiling wine-staging 2.22 isn’t as hard as it looks.

I needed to build and compile wine-staging 2.22, but it wasn’t easy to piece together how to do it from various forums and documentation.  Hopefully this tutorial saves someone a headache!

Continue reading “How to Build and Compile wine-staging 2.22 on Ubuntu 16.04”